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3.same happened to founders of Believing Youth &companions of Hussein AlHouthi,Mohd Azzan &Ahmed Al-Razami,were not spared from militia’s oppression, &Yosuf Al-Fishi, 2nd man in militia, &political leaders Dr. Mohd al-Mutawakkil,Dr. Ahmed Sharafeden &Jidban who were liquidated

3.same happened to founders of Believing Youth &companions of Hussein AlHouthi,Mohd Azzan &Ahmed Al-Razami,were not spared from militia’s oppression, &Yosuf Al-Fishi, 2nd man in militia, &political leaders Dr. Mohd al-Mutawakkil,Dr. Ahmed Sharafeden &Jidban who were liquidated

منذ 4 سنوات


497 مشاهدة

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