معمر الإرياني (@ERYANIM) / Twitterمعمر الإرياني (@ERYANIM) / Twitter

4.We appeal to Yemeni families &every father &mother in Houthis-controlled areas to spare their children this certain fate.whoever survive Houthis death journey will carry hate &death culture &will be a time bomb in future threaten family, local community int’l &regional securitypic.twitter.com/45OUiAiTbu

4.We appeal to Yemeni families &every father &mother in Houthis-controlled areas to spare their children this certain fate.whoever survive Houthis death journey will carry hate &death culture &will be a time bomb in future threaten family, local community int’l &regional security

منذ 4 سنوات


549 مشاهدة

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