رئاسة مجلس الوزراء اليمنيرئاسة مجلس الوزراء اليمني

PM:We call on the donor countries,the UN,WHO & other organizations to extend the hand of urgent & quick help to the GoY & people of Yemen to control the spread of COVID-19. We ask for your assistance in helping us provide the protection & support for our frontline medical workers

PM:We call on the donor countries,the UN,WHO & other organizations to extend the hand of urgent & quick help to the GoY & people of Yemen to control the spread of COVID-19. We ask for your assistance in helping us provide the protection & support for our frontline medical workers

منذ 3 سنوات


474 مشاهدة

تغريدات ذات صلة

أهم التصريحات المزيد